Learn English from news bdmclass | Major Heat Wave and Wildfire

Learn English from news bdmclass | Major Heat Wave and Wildfire

The major heat wave building tonight.

Several states with triple digit heat already.

In fact, 25 million Americans on alert for dangerous heat as California tonight already battles a wildfire there.

The corral fire east of San Francisco racing across more than 20 square miles in the last 48 hours alone.

Part of Interstate 580 shut down for a time.

Families forced to evacuate tonight.

Crews battling the flames and the temperatures.

Mola Lenghi on the fire lines for us.

Tonight, a new threat for the West.

Scorching heat.

475 firefighters are struggling to battle California's first biggest wildfire of the year.

The dry grass quickly going up near the town of Tracy.

The Corral Fire incinerating more than 20 square miles east of San Francisco in the last 48 hours.

The winds were fierce, 30 to 40 mile an hour sustained winds and 60 mile an hour gusts.

People were saying they couldn't even stand up in those high winds.

2 firefighters sustaining burns when the erratic winds change direction, expected to be OK first time I walked over here.

It was very hard to look at.

It still is.

Travis Curtis's parents evacuating as flames closed in on his childhood home, now destroyed by the fire.

They left with the clothes on their back and so and came home to nothing.

Came home to nothing.

The start of the fire not far from the explosives testing facility belonging to the famed Lawrence Livermore National Lab.

Authorities have warned the people that fire season is now a year round disastrous event.

We frequently see the more intense fire activity in July, August, September.

So I would just want everybody to be prepared

The National Weather Service has issued a warning about an excessive heat for millions here in California. From tomorrow on the temperatures is expected to hit up to 108 degrees, prompting some real concerns about the heat, not just here in San Joaquin County, but throughout the West.

David makes those firefighters and their jobs even more difficult.

Mola, thank you for that tonight.


  1. major (adj): very large or important
  2. triple (v): multiply by 3
  3. alert (n): a warning to people to be prepared to deal with something dangerous
  4. Interstate (adj) :between the states
  5. evacuate (v): move out of an unsafe location into safety
  6. flame (n): The bright, glowing gas we see when something burns.
  7. threat (n): something that is a source of danger
  8. scorching (adj): extremely hot
  9. battle (v): to fight
  10. incinerate (v): to burn to ashes
  11. fierce (adj): very strong or violent
  12. sustain (v): to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time
  13. gust (v): to blow strongly
  14. erratic (adj): irregular
  15. explosive (n): substance which can be made to explode, especially any of those used in bombs or shells.
  16. facility (n): a place where a particular activity happens
  17. authority (n): the right to use power
  18. disastrous (adj): causing much damage or harm
  19. issue (v): to produce or provide something official
  20. excessive (adj) : too much; more than is reasonable

True/False Statement

Read the news above and write T if the statement is True and F is the statement is False.

  1. 25 million Americans are on alert for dangerous heat wave as California are battling the wildfire.
  2. Entire interstate 580 was shut down for a time.
  3. 475 firefighters are battling California's first minor wildfire of the year.
  4. Families voluntarily evacuate from their houses. 
  5. Corral Fire destroyed 20 square miles east of San Francisco in the last 48 hours.
  6. The wind during the fire was so strong.
  7. Lawrence Livermore National Lab is facility to test the explosives.
  8. Authorities have informed the people that fire season is now a year round event.
  9. More intense fire activity is observed to occur in July, August and September.
  10. The National Weather Service has issued a warning about an excessive heat for millions here in California.