Adverbs of Frequency and adverbs of manner bdmclass

Adverbs of Frequency and adverbs of manner bdmclass


Adverbs of frequency

If you want to talk about how frequently a person does something or how often a situation is then adverbs of frequency are no exception. Here is a list of adverbs of frequency arranged from the most frequent to the least.
  • Always - 100%
  • Usually - 90%
  • Normally / generally - 70%
  • Often / frequently - 70%
  • Sometimes - 50%
  • Occasionally - 30%
  • Seldom / hardly ever - 10 %
  • Rarely - 4%
  • Never - 0%
An adverb of frequency is basically placed between the subject and the main verb in a positive sentence. But "sometimes" and "usually" can be placed at the beginning, middle and at the end of a sentence.
  • always get up at 5:30 every morning.
  • He usually posts 2 videos to his YouTube channel per week.
  • They normally play soccer on the weekend.
  • Sometimes, I go to my hometown to get fresh air.
  • occasionally receive a message from an anonymous.  
  • She seldom talks to men.
  • Our teacher is rarely absent.
  • She never eats frogs.
Positions of Adverbs of frequency 

Positive : [ Sub + adverb of frequency + base verb ............]
1. She always gets up early in the morning.
2. They usually go fishing on the weekend.
3. He often goes to school on foot.
4. We sometimes have online practices for our lessons.
5. Roza rarely comes to school late.

Negative : [ Sub + don't/doesn't + adverb of frequency + base verb ..........]
1. They don't always play soccer on the weekend.
2. We don't usually go to bed late.
3. She doesn't often talks to boys in her class.
4. Students don't always do homework regularly.
5. Teachers don't always assign homework.

Yes/ No : [ Do/does + sub + adverb of frequency + base verb.....?] 
1. Does your teacher always assign homework?
2. Do they sometimes go fishing on the weekend?
3. Does he usually comes to school late?
4. Do some students sometimes sleep in the class during the lesson.
5. Does your teacher sometimes blames the students? 

Information Question
Wh-question : [ Wh-word + do/does + sub + adverb of frequency + base verb.....?] 
1. What do you always do when you get up?
2. Where do they usually play soccer?
3. Who does she often go the watch movies with?
4. Why do some students usually come to school late?
5. Which food do you hardly every try?

Adverbs of frequency with " BE"
Positive : Sub + am/is/are + adverb of frequency + base verb.....
1. I am always early for class.
2. She is sometimes late for class.
3. They are usually hardworking.
4. My mom is rarely sick.
5. Some students are never absent. 

Negative : Sub + am/is/are + not + adverb of frequency + base verb.....
1. I am not always early for class.
2. She is not often active in the class.
3. They are not usually free on the weekend.
4. My mom is not always nice to me.
5. Some students are not usually silent in the class.

Yes/No : Am/is/are + sub + adverb of frequency + base verb.....? 
1. Are you always early for the class?
2. Is she sometimes late for class?
3. Are they usually hardworking?
4. Is your teacher sometimes mad with students?
5. Is your brother always annoying?

Information Question : 
Wh-word + am/is/are + (sub) + adverb of frequency + base verb.....? 
1. Why are you always late for the class?
2. Who is she usually be with?
3. Where is always quiet in your town?