Movie genres | Movie types vocabulary sovathbdm

Movie genres | Movie types vocabulary sovathbdm

Words related to movies

Understanding different types of movies or movie genres can be very helpful for second language learners to help them better improve their vocabulary about movies and allow them to fluently talk about the movies with whoever they want. Here is a list of commonly used words to describe they types of movies. 

Movie genres /Movie types

  • an action movie: a movie that involves in violence such as fighting, shooting, car chases and explosion. (Ex: John Wick, Fast and Furious, The Avengers)
  • an adventure movie: a movie that involves in daring adventure, exploration to unknown places. ( Ex. Pirates of the Caribbean, Tomb Raider)
  • an animated movie: an movie that is created using computer to generate characters and actions. ( Ex. Frozen, Coco, Shrek) 
  • a comedy :  is another type of film that aims to make the audience laugh. The characters are generally funny. ( Ex. Mr. Bean, The Three Stooges)
  • a drama : a type of film that involves basically in telling serious or emotional stories. or a play produced for TV, radio or theater. (Ex. The Sound of Meta, Marriage Story, The Godfather)
  • a fantasy : is a type of movie that involves supernatural powers, places, or event. It generally features something that is completely different from our normal world. ( Ex. Avatar, Aquaman, Wonder Woman) 
  • historical : a type of film that features past historical events. ( Ex.  Braveheart, Amadeus, Dunkirk)
  • a horror movie : is another name for scary movie which involves scary scenes aiming to make the audience scream. It generally feature monsters, entities, ghosts..etc) (Ex. Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist)
  • a musical : a movie that involves a lot of singing and dancing scenes. (Ex. La La Land, Grease, Mamma Mia
  • a science-fiction movie : It is often shorten to Sci-Fi movie which involves scientific exploration or experiment. It often features aliens, outer space or advanced technology. ( Ex. Star Wars, Blade Runner, Avatar)
  • a thriller :  a movie that features exciting and frightening stories. It often involves solving a crime. (Ex. The Sixth Sense, The Da Vinci Code, Shutter Island)
  • a romance: a movie that involves basically love and romantic relationships.
  • a documentary : a no-fiction movie that present factual information about places, animals, peoples...etc.
  • movie theme: the main subject or content of the movie
  • trailer: a short video that promotes the entire movie. It features the most exciting parts from the movie.
  • episode: a part of the parts of the movie
  • protagonist : the main actor in the film
  • antagonist : the opposite of protagonist, the villain or bad character.
  • a blockbuster : very successful and the most popular film 
  • release: distribute the movie to the public
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