Reading practice with key bdmclass - Can a dolphin talk

Reading practice with key bdmclass - Can a dolphin talk

Are dolphins able to talk? Maybe they are not able to communicate using words, but they communicate with sounds. They express their feelings with sounds.

Dolphins travel together in a group. The termschool” here is typically used to call a group of fish. They don't study, but they just go together. Dolphins are not fish even they live and eat like fish in water. They feed their babies with milk so they are considered as mammals and they swim together in a group called school.

Dolphins communicate through sound waves with the other dolphins in the school. They share information. They tell one another when they are sad, happy or scared. They say "Welcome" when a dolphin comes back to the school. They make conversation when they play.

They create a few sound waves above water. When they are under water, they tend to make many more sounds. We cannot hear these sounds because the sounds vibrate at very, very high frequencies. Scientists record the sounds and study them. People sometimes catch dolphins and keep them in a large aquarium. People can enjoy watching a show performed by dolphins. Dolphins do not like to stay away from their school in an aquarium. They are not happy and lonely.

There are plenty of stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save someone when getting drown. Even dolphin meat is great, but people do not want to kill them for food. Many people believe and say that dolphins can bring good luck.


  • To be able to : to have the ability to do something.
  • Communicate (v) : to talk to one another to exchange the information.
  • Express (v) : to show
  • Term (n) : word
  • School (n) : a group of fish that swim together.
  • Feed (v) : to give food to babies regularly so they can survive.
  • Mammal (n) : an animal that feed its babies with milk.
  • Sound wave (n) : the pattern of sound
  • Information (n) : facts about an event, a person or a situation
  • Frequency (n): a rate of vibration
  • Record (v): to take a video or to capture a sound
  • Aquarium (n): a large tank with water used to keep fish, fish zoo
  • Plenty of : a lot of, lots of, numerous of

Comprehension questions

  1. How does dolphins communicate?
  2. What does a school of dolphins mean?
  3. Are dolphins considered as fish? Why or why not?
  4. What do dolphins communicate about?
  5. Why don't people want to kill dolphins for food?
True/ False Statements
Read the text above and write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False
  1. Dolphins can talk to one another like people.
  2. Dolphins like to go alone not in a group.
  3. Dolphins don't study in school but share information.
  4. Dolphins are fish.
  5. There a a few stories about how dolphins save lives.
  6. Dolphins make more sound wave underwater than above the water.
  7. People can hear dolphins' sounds easily since their frequencies are very high.
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