At the airport vocabulary - sovathbdm

At the airport vocabulary - sovathbdm

At the airport vocabulary

  • airport : a place where we can catch a flight.
  • terminal : a part of an airport where passengers board a. plane.
  • airplane : an aircraft, a plane
  • flight : a plane, a journey on a plane
  • plane ticket : a ticket you need to have when travelling on a plane.
  • passenger : people who travel on a plane, a bus or a ship.
  • luggage : a bag or a suitcase you keep your possessions when travelling.
  • pilot : a person who flies a plane.
  • flight attendant : people who serve passengers on a plane.
  • cabin crew : flight attendants, or cabin staff
  • air hostess : a female flight attendant
  • air host : a male flight attendant
  • check-in desk : a desk where passengers go to check-in their flight.
  • security gate : a gate that all passengers have to go through to be scanned for harmful stuff.
  • baggage claim : a place where passengers go to get the luggages when arriving.
  • cockpit : a cabin for the pilot
  • passport : a small book containing personal information with a photograph needed when travelling abroad.
  • boarding pass : a card a passenger gets after checking in to be allowed to board a plane
  • runway : a paved way for a plane to land and take off.
  • customs : a place at the airport to check the passengers’ bags to find illegal goods.
  • departure : leaving of an airplane, a train or a bus
  • control tower : a high building at the airport used to control planes taking off and landing.
  • arrivals : people who arrive after landing
  • economy class : cheap but uncomfortable seat on a plane
  • business class : expensive but very comfortable eat on a plane
  • destination : the target place we are going to
Ticket types

  • VIP ticket : [សំបុត្រ VIP ] a ticket for very important person 
  • Early Bird ticket[សំបុត្របញ្ចុះតម្លៃសម្រាប់អ្នកទិញមិន] a ticket with reduced price for who those who buy earlier.
  • One-way ticket[សំបុត្រសម្រាប់តែទៅឬមក] a ticket that you can only go
  • Round - trip ticket[សំបុត្រសម្រាប់ទាំងទៅឬមកa ticket that you can go and come back

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Words and translation

  • airport : [ អ៊ែផត]  ព្រលានយន្តហោះ
  • terminal : [ ធើមីណល ] កន្លែងចាំឡើងយន្តហោះ
  • airplane : [ អ៊ែ ផ្លេន ] យន្តហោះ
  • flight : [ ហ្លាយ ថឹ ] ការហោះហើរ យន្តហោះ
  • plane ticket : [ ផ្លេន ធីកខីត ] សំបុត្រយន្តហោះ
  • passenger : [ ផាស់ សេន ជើ ] អ្នកតំណើរ
  • luggage : [ ឡាក់ គីជ ] អីវ៉ាន់
  • pilot : [ ផាយឡត់ ] អ្នកបើកយន្តហោះ
  • flight attendant : [ ហ្លាយ អាត់ថឹនដឹន ] អ្នកបម្រើលើយន្តហោះ
  • cabin crew : [ កាប៊ីន គ្រូ ] អ្នកបម្រើលើយន្តហោះ
  • air hostess :  [ អ៊ែ ហូស ស្តីស ]អ្នកបម្រើលើយន្តហោះស្រី
  • air host : [ អ៊ែ ហូសថឹ ] អ្នកបម្រើលើយន្តហោះប្រុស
  • check-in desk : [ ឆេក អ៊ីន ដេស ] តុកឆេក អ៊ីន 
  • security gate : [ សេខ ឃ្យូរីត ធី ហ្កេត ថឹ ]  ច្រកត្រួតពិនិត្យសុវត្ថិភាព
  • baggage claim : [ បាកគីជ ខ្លេម] កន្លែងយកអីវ៉ាន់
  • cockpit : [ ខក់ភីត ] កន្លែងអ្នកបើយន្តហោះ
  • passport : [ ផាស ស្ពត ] លិខិតឆ្លងដែន
  • boarding pass : [ បត ឌីងផាស ] ប័ណ្ណឡើងជិះយន្តហោះ
  • runway : [ រាន់វេ ] ផ្លូវយន្តហោះ ហោះឡើង និងចុះចត
  • customs : [ ខាស់ ស្តឹម ] គយ
  • departure : [ ឌីផាត ឈើ ] ចាកចេញ ឬចេញដំណើរ
  • control tower : [ ខន់ត្រូល ថាវវើ ] ប៉បបញ្ជាចរាចរយន្តហោះ
  • arrivals : [ អឺរាយវល ] កន្លែងមកដល់, មនុស្សដែលមកដល់
  • economy class : [អ៊ី ខ ណ​ មី ក្លាស]  កៅអីតម្លៃថោកសម្រាប់មនុស្សទូទៅ
  • business class : [បីស ណីស ក្លាស] កៅអីសម្រាប់អ្នកជំនួញ 
  • destination : [ដេស ស្ទើ ណេសឹន] គោលដៅដែលត្រូវទៅ
