commonly used adjectives in English - sovathbdm

commonly used adjectives in English - sovathbdm

Commonly used adjectives in English

luxurious (adj) :   /lʌɡˈʒʊr.i.əs/ : very expensive and comfortable ដែលប្រណិត

artificial (adj): /ˌɑːr.t̬əˈfɪʃ.əl/ : made by man, something that is copied from nature សិប្បនិម្មិត

first-class (adj) : /ˌfɝːst ˈklæs/ : excellent, most expensive ដែលល្អលំដាប់ថ្នាក់ទី១/ ដែលថ្លៃខ្លាំង

exclusive (adj)     /ɪkˈskluː.sɪv/ : limited to a specific group of people or for only a person. ដែលមានកំណត់

indoor (adj) :  /ˌɪnˈdɔːr/ : happening or existing inside a building ក្នុងអគារ

outdoor (adj) : /ˌɪnˈdɔːr/ : happening or existing outside a building ក្រៅអគារ

safe (adj) : /seɪf/ : secured, not dangerous or harmed ដែលមានសិត្តិភាព

traditional (adj) :  /trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ : not modern, old-fashioned, related to custom or tradition ដែលបុរាណ

wonderful (adj): /ˈwʌn.dɚ.fəl/ : extremely good ដែលល្អខ្លាំង

fantastic (adj) : /fænˈtæs.tɪk/ : extremely good ដែលល្អខ្លាំង

relaxing (adj): /rɪˈlæk.sɪŋ/ : making us feel relaxed ដែលធ្វើអោយធូរអារម្មណ៍

outlying (adj):   /ˈaʊtˌlaɪ.ɪŋ/ :far from the the main city or town, rural ដែលនៅឆ្ងាយពីទី ប្រចុំជន

popular (adj) :  /ˈpɑː.pjə.lɚ/ : liked or enjoyed by a large number of people, well-known ដែលល្បីល្បាញ

steep (adj) : /stiːpfalling or rising sharply ដែលចោត

convenient (adj) : /kənˈviː.ni.ənt/ : causing easiness, not difficulty ដែលមានភាពងាយស្រួល 

crowded (adj) :  /ˈkraʊ.dɪd/ : full of people ដែលអ៊ូអរ

rushing (adj) :  /ˈrʌʃ.ɪŋ/ : moving fast or quickly ដែលប្រញាប់ រហ័ស

dangerous (adj) : /ˈdeɪn.dʒɚ.əs causing harm or danger ដែលគ្រោះថ្នាក់

comfortable (adj): /ˈkʌm.fɚ.t̬ə.bəlcausing pleasant feeling ដែលមានផាសុខភាព


  • There are a lot of luxurious hotels in Phnom Penh.
  • Artificial Intelligence is widely used around the world.
  • Business people always buy first-class plane ticket.
  • This is an exclusive edition of Lamborghini.
  • Some people prefer to have indoor jobs.
  • An engineer is an outdoor job.
  • This website is safe to surf it has no malwares. 
  • Cambodian always wear traditional clothes to pagodas on Pchum Ben Day.
  • Listening to Cambodian flute is very relaxing to me.
  • Siem Reap province has a lot of wonderful places to visit.
  • People in this city are from many different outlying places.
  • Angkor Wat is the most popular ancient temple in Cambodia.
  • The slope is very steep. We cannot drive our car down there.
  • Going by plane is the most convenient way to reach that place.
  • Markets are always crowded.
  • It is very dangerous to cross a rushing river.
  • Working indoor is more comfortable than working outdoor. 
