Fun activity vocabulary - sovathbdm

Fun activity vocabulary - sovathbdm

  1. bone (n) osteo
  2. award (n)  something given for doing well
  3. a play (n) a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage
  4. seasick (adj) feeling sick because of the movement of a boat or ship that you are traveling on
  5. carsick (adj) feeling sick in the car
  6. airsickness (adj) plane sick
  7. climb a mountain (v) to go up a mountain
  8. go camping (v) to set up a tent outdoors and stay there for a short time
  9. a spa (n) a place where people can stay to improve their appearance or health by doing exercise, have a massage..etc.
  10. fancy (adj) expensive, luxurious 
  11. whale-watching (n) watching whales in their natural habitat
  12. exotic (adj) generally a food not native to your country
  13. roller coaster (n) elevated railway in an amusement park (usually with sharp curves and steep inclines)
  14. extreme sport (n) a sport that is very dangerous and exciting
  15. crew (n) a group of people working together
  16. expedition (n) A journey made for a special purpose
  17. space shuttle (n) a spacecraft that can carry a crew into space, return to Earth, and then be reused for the same purpose
  18. ISS (n) International Space Station
  19. float (v) to rest on top of a liquid
  20. accomplish (v) to do something by making an effort; to complete successfully