Simple Past Tense - bdmclass

Simple Past Tense - bdmclass

Past Simple

Simple Past Tense is another essential tense in English since it is frequently used by the English speakers on daily basis. Simple past is used to talk about the action that happened and finished at a specific time in the past. And it is formed by using the subject with the past tense of the verb. (Sub + V-ed + ……..). Now let’s explore the forms, usages, examples, and spelling rules.


Positive: Sub + V-ed + ……….

Ex. I went to bed at 9 last night.

Negative: Sub + didn’t + base verb + ……

Ex. She didn’t call me yesterday.

Yes/No: Did + sub + base verb…………?

Short answers

    Yes, sub + did.

    No, sub + didn’t.

  • Did you play any game this morning? Yes, I did.
  • Information question/wh-question
  • Wh-word + did + sub + base verb ….?
  • What did you do yesterday?


Simple Past Tense is basically used to talk about action or situation that happened and finished at a specific time in the past. Frequently used past time expressions are last night, last week, yesterday, this morning, in 2000, 5 years ago, when I was young…etc.

- Last week, we visited a zoo in the countryside.
- I did my homework before I went to bed last night.
- He lived in the countryside in 2005.
- Our teacher didn’t come yesterday.
- Dinosaurs existed on planet earth millions of years ago.
- Did you sleep well last night?
- What time did you go to bed last night?

Spelling Rules

All verbs used in simple past must be in the past form. For regular verbs, there are three important rules to follow when changing the verbs from present to past tense. Let’s see as below.

Rule 1: Add –d to the verbs that end in –e. 

  • Love > loved 
  • Like > liked, 
  • Receive > received 
  • Hope > hoped

Rule 2: When a verb ends in consonant + y, change y to –ied. 

  • Study > studied
  • Cry > cried
  • Fry > fried
  • Carry > carried 
  • Marry > married

Rule 3: Add –ed to the verbs that don’t follow rule 1 and 2. 

  • Start > started
  • End > ended
  • Stay > stayed
  • Stop > stopped

Irregular verbs

Some verbs are irregular, so there are no rules at all. We have to learn to memorize them gradually. Here are some of the frequently used irregular verbs.

  • Go _ went
  • Buy _ bought
  • Catch-caught
  • Teach – taught
  • Grow – grew
  • See – saw
  • Write – wrote
  • Ride – rode
  • Fight – fought
  • Feel – felt
  • Lose – lost
  • Bring – brought
  • Find – found
  • Know – knew
  • Give – gave
  • Draw – drew
  • Fly – flew
  • Swim – swam
  • Make – made
  • Take – took
  • Choose – chose
  • Steal – stole
  • Begin – began
  • Fall – fell
  • Throw – threw
  • Cut – cut
  • Read – read
  • Drink – drank
  • Run – ran
  • Eat - ate
Past Expressions
Here are the commonly use past expressions with simple past tense.
last : last week, last year, last summer, last night, last ...etc.
  • Ago : 5 hours ago, 1000 years ago,  a moment ago
  • Year : in 2000, 1995, 1987
  • Yesterday
  • This morning
  • This afternoon
  • Dinosaurs existed around six million years ago.
  • Last week, they went on a trip with their friends.
  • She lived in the countryside in 2000.
  • It rained heavily yesterday evening.
  • I got up late this morning.
Pronunciations of -ed
When changing the regular verbs from present to past form, -ed is always added to the verb.
"-ed" has three different sounds which are :
/id/ : when the verbs end in -t or -d
  • end - ended
  • start - started
  • offend - offended
  • need - needed 
/t/ : when the verbs end in:
  • p : stop - stopped 
  • k : kick - kicked
  • sh : finish - finished
  • ch : watch - watched 
  • gh : laugh - laughed 
  • th : breath - breathed 
  • ss : kiss - kissed
  • c: dance - danced 
  • x: fix - fixed 
/d/ : when the verbs end in:
  • l : travel - travelled 
  • n : ban - banned 
  • r : offer - offered 
  • g : belong - belonged 
  • v : believe - believed 
  • s : use - used 
  • w : borrow - borrowed
  • y : stay - stayed 
  • z : amaze - amazed 


A. Complete the following sentences with the correction form of simple past tense.

1. She _________ (walk) to the park yesterday.

2.They _________( not/ play) football last weekend.

3. He _________(study) for the exam all night.

4. I _________(visit) my grandparents last summer.

5._________ ( you/ watch) a movie last week? 

6. _________ (you/ clean) your room yesterday?

7. She _________ (stay) at home on Sunday last week.

8.They _________ (go) on vacation to other countries last year.

9. He _________ (meet) his old fried at a pat last night. 

10. He _________(fix) the broken chair.

B. Rewrite the following sentences.
1. danced /gracefully / She/ at the party last night.
2. He/ diligently/ for his final exams/ studied.
3. traveled / to Paris during/ They / their summer vacation.
4. cooked/ a delicious meal for my family/ I.
5. an exciting movie/ We watched/at the cinema.
6. chased the mouse/ The cat/ around the garden.
7. a beautiful sunset/ She/ on her canvas/painted.
8. bicycle tire/the broken/He fixed.
9. played / soccer in the park/ They
10. my grandparents/ over the weekend/ I visited.