First Conditional - bdmclass

General Description 
First conditional is basically used to talk about things which are possible in the present or in the future it can also be used make a promise. First conditional is formed by using If + present simple, Sub + will + base verb….. or Sub + will + base verb + if + present simple.

if + Present Simple, Sub + will + base verb (V1).....

if + Present Simple 
This part can be called in three different ways.
  • if clause
  • reason clause
  • conditional clause
Sub + will + base verb (V1)
This part can be called in 2 different ways.
  • main clause
  • result clause
First conditional is frequently used to describe something that is possible in the present and future and it can also be used to make a promise. Let's see how it is used one by one as below.

Present or Future possibility
  • If I am free, I will join your trip this weekend. ( This is possible that I will join the trip this weekend in case I am free if I am not free, I won't join.)
  • If it doesn't rain today, we will have a birthday party outdoor. (Celebrating a birthday party outdoor is possible if it doesn't rain.)
  • If I have enough money, I will buy a new bigger car. 
  • I will study medicine If I pass grade 12 exam with a good grade.
  • If Elon Musk manages to recreate environment on Mars, people will be sent to inhabit that planet.
Make a promise
  • Please lend me $50, I will give it back tomorrow. ( I promise to give you back the money I borrow tomorrow.)
  • I will get married with her if I finish my university and find a good job. ( I promise to get married with her.)
  • Let's eat out with me this evening, I will pay for you all. ( I promise to pay for the food.) 
  • I will help you with your assignment if I am free tonight.
  • If will contact you if I get more information you've asked for.
Giving commands
First conditional can also take the imperative form to give commands. An imperative form is used in the main clause not in the conditional clause. If + Present Simple , Base Verb..... 
  • If you feel tired, go get some sleep.
  • If you finish your homework, please submit it to the teacher. 
  • If you hate him, just stop talking to him. 
  • If you cannot do it at the first time, try again. 
Modal Verbs
Instead of using modal verb "will" in the first conditional some other modal verbs such as can, may, might and must can also be used. Can is used to show ability or possibility, see the examples below: 
  • If you need me, I can help you. 
  • You can relax if you finish your work. 
  • Can you feed my dogs if I am not at home? 
  • If she doesn't review the lesson for the exam, you can also fail. 

Must is used to show strong obligation or something which is necessary to do, see the examples below. 
  • You must try hard to study if you want to get good grade every month. 
  • If you want to stay with me, you mustn't talk on the phone after 9 PM. 
  • If she calls you, you must tell her the truth. 
  • They must train hard if they want to win in the next match. 

May is used to talk about possibility and permission. 
  • I may visit you if I have have free time. 
  • May I leave early if I fish my work? 
  • She may forgive you if you keep doing good things to her. 
  • May I borrow your book if I forget to bring mine? 

Might is used to indicate light possibility. It is not as strong as will and can. See the examples below. 
  • You might get sick if you drink cold water very often. 
  • She might get angry with you if you do not call her three times a day. 

In First Conditional, instead of using "if" all the time, we can also use : 
  • if
  • so long as
  • provided that
  • unless 
  • as soon as
  1. If you keep on trying, you will eventually achieve your goal.
  2. So long as you keep on trying, you will eventually achieve your goal.
  3. Provided that you keep on trying, you will eventually achieve your goal.
  4. As soon as I pass grade 12, I will start my university. 

Unless = if not
  • If you don't tell me the truth, I won't let you go.
  • Unless you tell me the truth, I won't let you go.
  • If we don't exercise regularly, we will get sick soon.
  • Unless we exercise regularly, we  will get sick soon. 
More examples
  • If I have a lot of money, I will donate to poor people. 
  • If you don’t invite me to your party, I won’t join. 
  • If you see a ghost, will you run? 
  • Teacher will blame you if you don’t do homework regularly. 
  • The school will be reopened soon if the outbreak situation gets better. 
  • If I have my own airplane, I will fly everywhere I want. 
  • If there is a fire, I will run. 
  • If the coronavirus ends, I will be happy. 
  • If she works hard, she will become an outstanding student. 
  • If I have enough money, I will buy anything I want. 
  • What will you do if you have have one million dollars? 
Complete the following sentences using the verbs provided in the parenthesis. 
1. If I ____________(win) a million dollars, I___________(buy) a new house. 
2. They___________(help) if you ________________(ask) them. 
3. What _______you_______ (do) if you___________(get lost) in the jungle? 
4. If I ___________(have) time, I ________________(go) with you.
5. Teacher _________(blame) if students ____________(do/not) homework. 
6. If she ___________(try) a bit harder, she _________(pass) the exam easily. 
7. If you ___________(lend) me, 10 dollars I __________(give) you back tomorrow.
8. You __________(get sick) if you ___________(go) to bed late very often. 
9. I_________(stop) talking to you if you ___________(keep) bullying me. 
10. If you _________(stop/not) playing that game, you _________(lose).
