Second Conditional - bdmclass

General Description
Second conditional is generally used to talk about imagined or unreal situation in the present. The speaker just just imagine or wish the situation to be true but it is certainly not. Simple Past Tense is used in the reason clause and modal verb would is used in the main clause.

If + past simple, Sub + would + Base verb (V1)… 
Sub + would + Base verb... + if + past simple. 
If + past simple
  • if clause
  • reason clause
  • conditional clause
Sub + would + base verb
  • main clause
  • result clause
To change the form of the second conditional, you just have to change the main clause. 
  • Positive : I would do.
  • Negative : I wouldn't do.
  • Question : Would you do?

Unreal or imagined situations in the present.
  • If I had my own airplane, I would travel wherever I want. ( I just imagine, I obviously don't one a plane right now.)
  • If she met the president of the United States, she would ask him to save Myanmar. (It is just her wish to see the president, it might or might not be real in the future but apparently not in the present.) 
  • They would help all the poor people if they were rich. ( They are not rich now,)
  • He would pass the exam if he spent1 hour a day on his lesson. (He didn't pass the exam.) 
  • If I were you, I would not do that. ( It is impossible for me to be you, it is just my imagination or wish.)
  • If I won the lottery, I would invite all my friends to have a big party.
  • What would you do if you won 1 million dollars? 
  • Would you run if you saw a ghost? 
Making a polite request
Would you mind ...... if + past simple?
  • Would you mind if I turned off the fan for a while?
  • Would you mind if I sat next to you?
  • Would you mind if I talked on the phone here?
  • Would you mind if I wanted to have a ride with you?
Would it be ok...if + past simple?
  • Would it be ok if I turned off the air-conditioned?
  • Would it be ok if I opened the windows?
  • Would it be ok if we sat here?
  • Would it be ok it I left early today?
Would it bother you ...if + past simple?
  • Would it bother you if I played music loudly?
  • Would it bother you if I parked my car in front of your house for 30 minutes?
  • Would it bother you if I turned off one of the lights?
  • Would it bother you if we asked you some questions? 
 “were” can be used in place of “was” with the subjects I, he, she and it. 
- If I were a millionaire, I would help the homeless people and the orphans. 
- If he were you, he would do it very quickly. 
“Could & might” are the alternatives for “would” 
- If I were rich, I could easily help the people in need. 
- I might finish building my plane if I had enough money. 

Complete the following sentences with the correct verbs given. 
1.What would you do if you suddenly (win) ____ a million dollars? 
2. If she (get up) _______ up earlier, she would not be late for work. 
3. If I (have) ___________ more time, I could tell you more about it.
4. If they (sell) ________ more products, they'd make more money. 
5. I could help you if you (listen) ________________. 
6. His motorbike would be a lot safer if he (change) _____new tires. 
7. They could be better swimmers if they (practice) ___________ swimming more frequently. 
8. I wouldn't mind having pets if I (live) ___________ in the countryside. 
9. If I (be) ___________ you, I wouldn't do that. 
10. If I (have) __________ a lot of money with me, I'd lend you some.
