Tag Questions bdmclass

Tag question or question tag is typically  a sort of question used at the end of a statement to check or confirm the information. Remember that when we use a tag question, we just want a short answer which is yes or no. Tag question has only two forms which are positive tag and question tag. Now let's have a look at form, examples and practices below.

Negative Tag
Tag question with BE (am/is/are/was/were)
Sub + am/is/are/was/were... ,  am/is/are/was/were + not + Sub?
1. It is a nice day, isn't it?
2. They are very friendly, aren't they?
3. Chemist is the most difficult school subject, isn't it?
4. Our teacher is very strict, isn't he?
5. Lions and tigers are carnivores, aren't they? 
6. Two students were absent yesterday, weren't they?
7. Animals were used as a transportation mean in the past, weren't they?

Positive Tag
Tag question with BE (am/is/are/was/were)
Sub + am/is/are/was/were + not ... ,  am/is/are/was/were + Sub?
1. The hospital is not far from here, is it?
2. Our teacher isn't really friendly, is he?
3. Today is not really cloudy, is it?
4. Math is not as complicated as Chemistry, is it?
5. Snakes are not all poisonous, are they? 
6. We weren't late for class yesterday, were we?
7. Theary was very sick yesterday, was she? 

Negative Tag
Tag question with other verbs
Sub + Verb ... ,  do/does/did + not + Sub?
Do - I, you, we, they
Does - He, she, it
Did - I, you, we, they, he, she, it - past

1. She likes fruits, doesn't she?
2. Lions and tigers eat other animals for food, don't they?
3. The earth goes around the sun, doesn't it?
4. Our teacher assigned homework yesterday, didn't he?
5. You called me a moment ago, didn't you? 

Positive Tag
Tag question with other verbs
Sub + don't/doesn't/didn't + base verb ... ,  do/does/did + Sub?
Do - I, you, we, they
Does - He, she, it
Did - I, you, we, they, he, she, it - past
1. You don't like to eat vegetables, do you?
2. She doesn't live here, does she?
3. They don't always play soccer on the weekend, do they?
4. We don't have any homework today, do we?
5. Some students didn't do homework, did they?
6. He didn't contact you, did he?

Tag question with modal verbs
Here are some frequently used modal verbs.
  • can
  • could
  • will
  • should
And here is the way in which the negative tag question is formed, sub + modal verb.., modal verb + not + sub?

1. We will have an important meeting tomorrow, won't we? 
2. She can speak 3 languages fluently, can't she? 
3. People should grow more trees every year, shouldn't they?
4. Students should review the lesson every day before bedtime, shouldn't they?
5. He could speak when he was 1 year old, couldn't he?

To form a positive tag question, we use : sub + modal verb + not, modal verb + sub?
1. People shouldn't cut down the trees and throw trash everywhere, should they?
2. You mom can't ride a motor cycle, can she?
3. She couldn't read when she was 4 years old, could she?
4. They won't come to our party, will they?
5. All of your siblings can't speak English, can they?  

Write the correct tag question for each statement below.
1. Mr BDM is from Cambodia, ________?
2. The car isn't in the garage,  ________?
3. You are a student,  ________?
4. She went shopping with her friends yesterday,  ________?
5. She didn't recognize me,  ________?
6. Smoke from vehicles pollutes the environment,  ________?
7. They went to visit Angkor Wat last month,  ________?
8. The trip is very exciting, ________?
9. He won't tell her the truth, ________?
10. Your dad bought a new car yesterday, ________?
