Zero Conditional - bdmclass

General Description
Zero Conditional is used to talk about general facts and habits because present simple tense is used in both reason and the result clause. The conditional clause is the one that begins with if and it can also be called the reason clause or the If-Clause. The result clause, on the other hand, can also be called the main clause. The present simple can take all forms such as positive, negative and question. 

Zero conditional is formed as below.
If + Present Simple, Present Simple.
Present Simple + If + Present Simple.

  • If + present simple : reason clause or if -clause
  • Present Simple : result clause or main clause
and the reason clause can always be switched with the main clause. When the reason clause is at the end, there is no comma but when it is shifted to the the beginning a comma is needed. 
1. Facts /general truth : something that is always true.
  • If it rains, the ground is wet.
  • If you turn off the light, it is dark.
  • Ice melts if we put in under the sun.
  • The car stops if you slam on the brake.
  • If you put your hand on fire, it burns.
2. Habits : what we do regularly.
  • If feel stressed, I normally watch funny videos.
  • If go to bed late, I usually get up late too.
  • If have a lot of free time, I always hang out with friends.
  • If it is windy, kids always go out and fly kites.
  • If I don't understand the lesson, I normally ask the teacher.
3. Give a command or an advice
  • If + present simple, base verb ....................
  • If + present simple, don't + base verb ....................
  • If you feel tired, get some rest.
  • If you catch a cold, drink warm water.
  • If you are hot in here, open the windows.
  • If you have a fever, don't drink icy water.
  • If you want lose weight, don't eat too much.
Modal Verbs
In zero conditional, we can also use a modal verb but make sure the modal verb must not be will or would. Here are some frequently used modal verb in zero conditional.
  • can (eg. If you are tired, you can get some rest.)
  • should (eg. If you catch a cold, you should get enough sleep and drink warm water.)
  • must (eg. If you want to drive, you must have a driver license.) 
  • have to (eg. If you don't want to be late for class, you have to leave home early.)
If or when
Instead of using if all the time, when can be the best alternative and it means the same.
  • If you can't concentrate, you should do a meditation.
  • When you can't concentrate, you should do a meditation.
  • If I am stressed out, I usually go out with friends.
  • When I am stressed out, I usually go out with friends.
If vs. unless
Unless can also be use in place of if but unless means if not.
  • Unless you try hard, you can't pass grade 12 exam. ( If you don't try hard, you cannot pass grade 12 exam.)
  • I rarely drink coffee unless I am sleepy. ( I rarely drink coffee if I am not sleepy.) 
More examples 
  • If we heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. (This is always true proven by science that when water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.) 
  • If the sun rises, it turns bright. (Natural fact) 
  • If the sun sets, it’s dark. (Natural facts) 
  • We gain weight if we eat too much. (General truth) 
  • I always feel sick if I don’t get enough sleep. (General truth) 
  • She usually watches funny videos if she feels sad. (Habits) 
  • Are you happy if you have a lot of money? (Asking about personal truth) 
  • What happens if the sun burns out? (Asking about facts) 
  • What do you do if you see a ghost? (Asking about personal truth) 
  •  If we read more, we learn more. (General truth) 
When the reason clause or the if-clause is placed at the beginning, it is split by a comma (,) but hen it is placed at the end, the comma is not needed. 
- If I feel hungry, I normally find something to eat. 
- I normally find something to eat if I feel hungry

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of zero conditional. 
1. If the water ________(reach) zero degree, it _________(freeze). 
2. Water ___________(boil) if we _______(heat) it to 100 degrees. 
3. If the sun ____________(rise), the sky __________ (is) bright. 
4. It____________(is) dark if the light ___________(go) out. 
5.What ________you__________(do) if you_________(feel) sad? 
6. I _______(not/lend) money anymore if you_______(lie) me again.
7. If she __________(get) angry, she normally ____________(give) angry look at everyone. 
8. ________you_______(run) if you ______________(see) a lion? 
9. If the students________(not/try) to study, they simply _______(not/pass) the test. 
10. ________you________(sad) if your parents _____(blame) you?
