Active Vs Passive Voice with practice | bdmclass

Active Vs Passive Voice with practice | bdmclass

There are fundamentally two voices in English which are the active and the passive voice. To identify each voice, it is highly recommended to look at the subject in each sentence. If the subject does the action then it is obviously the active voice. For instance, my mom waters the flowers every morning. In this sentence the subject mom does the action of watering the flowers. So the statement is in active voice. On the other hand, in passive voice the subject receives the action. For example, flowers are watered every morning by my. As we can see the subject which is the flowers do not initiate/cause any action but receives the action hence it is in passive voice. 

Here are the forms to use when changing sentences from active to passive voice.

Active Voice [ SUB + V1 + OBJ]
Passive Voice [ OBJ + AM/IS/ARE + V3 + by + SUB.]
Active: She feeds her dogs every day.  
Passive: Dogs are fed every day by her.
Active: Teachers teach students at school.
Passive: Students are taught by teacher at school.
Active: My mom cooks meals for my family.
Passive: Meals are cooked by my mom.

Active Voice [ SUB + HAVE/HAS + V3 + OBJ]
Passive Voice [ OBJ +HAVE/HAS + BEEN + V3 + by + SUB.]
Active : Roza has drawn a lot of pictures.  
Passive  : A lot of pictures have been drawn by Roza.
Active : People have planted a lot of trees recently.
Passive : A lot of trees are have been planted recently.
Active : School has already informed the students about the holiday.
Passive: The students have been informed about the holiday.

Active Voice [ SUB +  AM/IS/ARE + Ving + OBJ]
Passive Voice [ OBJ +AM/IS/ARE + BEING + V3 + by + SUB.]
Active: Cambodia is constructing more infrastructures.  
Passive: More infrastructures are being constructed by Cambodian.
Active: Theary is feeding her dog.
Passive: The dog is being fed by Theary.
Active: My little sister is drawing a picture.
Passive: The picture is being drawn by my little sister. 

Active Voice [ SUB + V2 + OBJ]
Passive Voice [ OBJ +WAS/WERE + V3 + by + SUB.]
Active: Dara caught a lot of fishes yesterday. 
Passive: A lot of fishes were caught yesterday.
Active: She invited me to her party yesterday.
Passive: I was invited to her party yesterday.

Active Voice [ SUB + WILL + V1 + OBJ]
Passive Voice [ OBJ + WILL BE + V3 + by + SUB.]
Active: Scientists will grow human organs in animals. 
Passive: Human organs will be grown in animals.
Active: They will finish their project by tomorrow.
Passive: The project will be finished by tomorrow.
Change the following sentences into passive voice sentences.
0.My team won the match.
0. The match …………was won…………… by my team.
1. The worm eats the apples.
- The apples ___________ by the worm.
2. Sophary makes breakfast for her family every morning.
- Breakfast ___________ by Sophary every morning.
3. The singer sang a song.
- A song ___________ by the singer.
4. Lina will buy a new house next year.
- A new house ___________by Lina next year.
5. The chiefs are preparing food in the kitchen.
- Food ___________ by the chiefs in the kitchen.
6. The mechanic fixes the cars.
- The cars ___________by the mechanic.
7. My mom ironed my shirts last night.
- The shirts ___________ by my mom last night.
8. Farmers grow different crops on their farms
- Different crops ___________ by the farmers on their farms.
9. BDM has created a lot of videos about ETs.
- A lot of videos about ETs ___________ by BDM.
10. My sister waters the flowers every morning.
- The flowers ___________ by my sister every morning.