School subjects - bdmclass

School Subjects

 School Subjects

As a learner, understanding the subjects they study at school is a fundamental knowledge before diving deep into the details of each subject. School subjects vary from country to country, school to school, college to college. Furthermore, the school subjects at elementary school, junior high school and high school are also different. Now we are going to look at some of the basic school subjects taught at most school around the world.

Elementary to high school

Geometry: another types of mathematics working with lines, solids, angles and surfaces

Language: the study of languages, English, Khmer, Chinese

Math: the study of numbers, and different types of calculations such as plus, minus, multiplication and division.

Algebra: a part of mathematics that we use signs and letters to represent numbers

Geography: the study of the earth and location

History: the study of past events

Science: the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical world, especially by watching, measuring and doing experiments.

Chemistry: the study of the parts of matter likes molecules and particles

Physics: the study of matter and energy and they interact with one another.

P.E (Physical Education): sport and physical activity taught as a school subject

Music: the study of sound patterns made by musical instruments,

Biology: the study of life

Drama: the study of a play

Social Studies: the study of social relationships between individual groups of people, & people of the world

Home Economics: the study of cooking and other aspects of household management, especially as taught at school.

Arts: The study of music, dance, theater, literature and visual arts

Martial Arts: sports that involve combat and self-defense


Here is a list of common subject or majors taught at college level.

  • Computer Science & Information Systems
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Business & Management Studies
  • Medicine
  • Economics & Econometrics
  • Law
  • Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Art & Design
  • Accounting & Finance
  •  philosophy: the study of a system of beliefs and values
  • psychology: the scientific study of a person's behavior and mind works
Practice 1
Please choose one correct answer for each definition below.

1.____ the study of social relationships between individual groups of people, & people of the world

A. math

B. geography

C. history

D. social studies

2.____ another types of mathematics working with lines, solids, angles and surfaces

A. geometry

B. algebra

C. math

D. science

3.____ the study of past events

A. geography

B. history

C. social studies

D. chemistry

4. ____ the study of the parts of matter likes molecules and particles

A. physics

B. chemistry

C. biology

D. geography

5.____ the study of matter and energy and they interact with one another.

A. math

B. chemistry

C. biology

D. physics

6.____ the study of life

A. geography

B. chemistry

C. history

D. biology

7.____ a part of mathematics that we use signs and letters to represent numbers

A. geometry

B. algebra

C. math

D. chemistry

8.____ sport and physical activity taught as a school subject


B. home economics

C. martial arts

D. drama

9.____ the study of a play

A. music

B. arts

C. drama

D. martial arts

10.____ the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical world, especially by watching, measuring and doing experiments.

A. math

B. chemistry

C. physics

D. science 


Practice 2 (online)
