20 commonly used phrasal verbs

20 commonly used phrasal verbs


20 commonly used phrasal verbs 

Look up: To search for information. 

“If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you should look it up in the dictionary.”

Take off: To remove or fly.

“The plane is about to take off.”

Bring up: To mention a topic or care for a child. 

“During the meeting, she brought up the issue of budget cuts.”

Come across: meet or find someone or something by chance.

"I came across these old photos recently"

Run into: To encounter unexpectedly. 

“I ran into my old friend at the grocery store.”

Put off: To delay or postpone. 

“Let’s put off the meeting until next week.”

Look after: To take care of. 

“She looks after her elderly parents.”

Get along: To have a good relationship with someone. 

“They get along well despite their differences.”

Turn up: To arrive or appear unexpectedly. 

“He turned up at the party uninvited.”

Set up: To establish or arrange. 

“They set up a new business together.”

Break down: To stop functioning or fail. 

“My car broke down on the highway.”

Look forward to: To wait for something with pleasure. 

“I look forward to our vacation.”

Give in: To yield or surrender. 

“After much negotiation, they finally gave in.”

Take on: To accept a responsibility or challenge. 

“She decided to take on the leadership role.”

Bring about: To cause or make something happen. 

“Their efforts brought about positive change.”

Hold on: To wait or pause. 

“Please hold on while I transfer your call.”

Look out: To be cautious or watchful. 

“You should look out for icy patches on the road.”

Turn down: To reject or decline. 

“He turned down the job offer.”

Carry out: To perform or execute. 

“The team will carry out the experiment.”

Back up: To support or provide evidence for. 

“His research findings are backed up by extensive data.”