Prefixes and Suffixes bdmclass

Prefixes and Suffixes bdmclass



What is a word formation?

Word formation is the way in which is a new word is formed by adding a suffix or prefix to its stem or root.

Prefix + stem/root = a new word

Generally, a prefix is placed at the beginning of a word.


  • Monolingual   ( prefix is mono means one)
  • Post-war  ( prefix is post means after)
  • Multicultural  ( prefix is multi means many)
  • Disrespect ( prefix is dis means not)
  • Unusual ( prefix is un means not)                   
  • Irresponsible ( prefix is ir means not)


Here are commonly used prefixes that turn the words into negative and all of them mean not.

Negative: a–, dis–, il–, im–, in-, ir–, non–, un–.

  • Political- apolitical      (consonant)
  •  Agree- disagree         (consonant or vowel)
  •  Legal - illegal             (l)
  •  Patient - impatient     ( m , p)
  • Correct - incorrect
  • Regular - irregular
  • Sense - nonsense
  • Happy - unhappy
  • Accurate - inaccurate ( C & V except : i , u)
  • rational  -  irrational   (r)
  •  fiction - nonfiction     
  •  able    - unable


Suffix is basically placed at the end of a word

 Noun suffixes : ‘er’, ‘or’, ‘ist’, ‘ian’, ‘ion’, ‘ment’, ‘ness’, tion/sion, ‘ity’


  • Alter ____ alteration 
  • Drive _____ Driver
  • Educate  ____ educator 
  • Expand ____ expansion         
  • Punish ____ Punishment
  • Science _____ scientist          
  • Busy  ____  business
  • Educate  ____ education
  • Responsible  ____ responsibility

Verb Suffixes

 _ise, _ate, _fy, _en


  • Stable ____ stabilise  
  • Different ____ differentiate  
  • Simple _____ simplify
  • Short _____ shorten

Adjective Suffixes

 -al, -ent, -ive, -ous, -ful, -less, -able


  • Nation ____ national
  • Differ _____ different
  • Attract ____ attractive
  • Danger _____ dangerous
  • Use ____ useful
  • Care ____ careless
  • Afford ____ affordable

Prefixes and meanings

pro-     for, forward, before : proactive, profess, program

re-       again, back : react, reappear

mis-     bad, wrong: mislead, misplace

non-     not : nonsense

un-       against, not, opposite: undo, unequal, unusual

de-       from, down, away, reverse, opposite: decode, decrease

dis-      not, opposite, reverse, away: disagree, disappear

ex-       out of, away from, former: ex-girlfriend, exhale, explosion

il-         not : illegal, illogical

im-       not, without : impossible, improper

in-        not, without : inaction, invisible

Suffixes and meanings

-ful       full of : beautiful, grateful

-ible     forming an adjective : reversible, terrible

-ily       forming an adverb : busily, happily, lazily

-less     without, not affected by: friendless, tireless

-ly        forming an adjective: clearly, yearly

-ness    showing a state or conditionhappiness, wilderness

-y         full of, showing a condition : glory, messy, victory

-able    having the quality ofhabitable, portable

-al        relating to: annual, educational

-er       comparative, a person: bigger, waiter

-est      superlative : largest, friendliest


Choose a correct prefix for each word below.

un-, in-, im-, il-, dis-, ir-, re-, mis-

  1. conscious ______________
  2. possible _______________
  3. formal  ________________
  4. patient  ________________
  5. regular ________________
  6. lucky  _________________
  7. order __________________
  8. legal  __________________
  9. arrange ________________
  10. understand _____________