Superlative Adjectives " -est, -iest, most" - sovathbdm

Superlative Adjectives " -est, -iest, most" - sovathbdm

Superlative Adjective

Superlative adjective is fundamentally used to compare more than two things or used to talk about the extremity which basically means that we compare one thing, person, animal that has the best or worst quality in the group. ប្រើដើម្បីប្រៀបធៀបលក្ខណៈដាច់គេ ឬបំផុតនៅក្នុងក្រុម។

Form 1 : -est 

-est : ប្រើជាមួយនិងគុណនាមដែលមានតែ១ព្យាង្គ

 [ Sub + be + the + short adjective -est. ]

Short adjective is the adjective that has one syllable and to form a superlative, we add -est. 

Short adjective : ជាគុណនាមដែលមានតែមួយព្យាង្គ

  • big - biggest
  • small - smallest
  • tall - tallest
  • short - shortest
  • long - longest
  • high - highest
  • fat - fattest
  • thin - thinnest
  • fast - fastest
  • cute - cutest


  • Elephant is the biggest land animal.
  • Jenny is the smallest girl in her class.
  • I am the tallest person in my family.
  • This is the shortest path to get there.
  • Nile is the longest river in the world.
  • Aural is the highest mountain in Cambodia.
  • He is the fattest person in the world.
  • I am the thinnest person in my family.
  • Concord is one of the fastest planes.
  • Rosa is the cutest girl in her family.
Consonant + y  
-iest : is used with one or two syllable adjective that ends in consonant + y. 
" -iest"  ប្រជាមួយនិងគុណនាមដែលមាន១ ឬ២ព្យាង្គ ដែលចប់ដោយ ព្យញ្ជនៈ និង y.

  • dry - the driest ( Ex. April is the driest month in Cambodia.)
  • shy - the shiest, the shyest or the most shy ( Ex. My sister is the shiest girl.)
  • happy - the happiest ( Ex. They are the happiest couple.)
  • busy - the busiest ( Ex. The traffic is the busiest at 5: 30 PM in Phnom Penh.)
  • crazy - the craziest ( Ex. This is the craziest game I have ever played.) 
  • lazy - the laziest ( Ex. Monday is the laziest day for me.) 
  • cloudy - the cloudiest ( Ex. It is the cloudiest today.) 
  • lovely - the loveliest ( Ex. This is the loveliest pet.) 
Doubling a consonant (CVC)
One syllable adjective that last three letters end in Consonant Vowel Consonant, we double a consonant before adding -est. គុណនាមមួយព្យាង្គដែលអក្សេរ៣ចុងក្រោយបញ្ចប់ដោយ ព្យញ្ជនៈ  ស្រៈ ព្យញ្ជនៈ យើងត្រូវថែម ព្យញ្ជនៈមួយទៀត មុននិងថែម -est។ 

  • hot - hottest
  • big - biggest
  • fat - fattest
  • thin - thinnest

Form 2 : Most
" Most " is used with an adjective that has two or more syllables. ប្រើជាមួយគុណនាមដែលមានចាប់ពី​២ព្យាង្គឡើងទៅ។

[ Sub + be + the + most - long adjective... ]

Long adjective : Is the adjective that has two or more syllables.
  • beautiful​​ - the most beautiful
  • adventurous - the most adventurous
  • devastating - the most devastating
  • powerful - the most powerful
  • dangerous - the most dangerous
  • hostile - the most hostile
  • spectacular - the most spectacular
  • Theara is the most beautiful girl in her family.
  • This one of the most adventurous trips we have ever had.
  • Nuclear bomb is the most devastating ammunition for the humanity.
  • Elephant is the most powerful animal in the jungle.
  • Amazon rainforest is the most hostile for people.
  • Beach is the most spectacular place in this province.

Irregular adjectives

  • good - the best
  • bad - the worst
  • far - the furthest/ the farthest


Please complete the following sentences with the correct form of the superlative adjectives.

  1. My house is ______(far) from school.
  2. Your English accent is ______ (good) in the class.
  3. I think Math is ______ (boring) subject.
  4. Africa is __________(hot) continent. 
  5. Nile is  ______(long) river in the world.
  6. Cobra is ______(dangerous) snake.
  7. Eating vegetables is ______(healthy) way. 
  8. Angkor Wat is _________(incredible) temple in Cambodia.
  9. This is __________ (good) car I have ever seen.
  10. Chemistry is ____________(complicated) subject for me.
