Four hostages rescued by Israeli special forces in Gaza - Learning English from news bdmclass

Four hostages rescued by Israeli special forces in Gaza - Learning English from news bdmclass

4 Israeli hostages taken by Hamas during this October the 7th attacks have now been reunited with their families after a military operation deep inside Gaza to free them.

Israeli special forces raided 2 locations in Nazarat in central Gaza in broad daylight, with a spokesman saying they came under heavy fire.

One Israeli soldier died. But Hamas says more than 200 Palestinians were killed in the operation, although that figure is disputed. Hugo Peshegger has more from Tel Aviv.

A dramatic rescue and she's free again. 25 year old Noah Argamani, captured by Hamas on the 7th of October and taken to Gaza, is finally back in Israel. She became one of the most well-known faces of this crisis. Her kidnapping recorded in this video.Today, her ordeal came to an end. This is her reunited with her dad.

Please don't forget that there are another 120 hostages in captivity. We must make every effort to release them and to bring them to Israel and their families.

By the way, it's my birthday.  Look what a gift I got. Also freed Andrei Kozlov, who's 27, Shlomi Ziv, 40, and Amog Meir Jan, 21.Eight months ago, they were in the Nova Music Festival in southern Israel when Hamas gunmen attacked. There are more than 360 innocent people were killed here.

This morning, the Israeli military carried out a raid of the Nuserat refugee camp in central Gaza. There were heavy airstrikes. Special forces went in. The military said this was a complex operation and based on intelligence information.

The four hostages, it said, were found at two separate locations in the heart of the camp and were brought out under fire.

Israeli forces have been planning for this daring rescue mission for weeks. They are underwent intensive training. They risked their lives to save those innocent people.  

If there was relief in Israel, the operation meant yet more suffering in Gaza. At the Al Aqsa hospital in nearby Deir el Balak, chaos and desperation. Doctors struggled to treat all the wounded. Many arrived already dead. We were at home. A rocket hit us. My two cousins died and my other two cousins were seriously injured. They did nothing. They were sitting at home.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the freed hostages in a hospital near Tel Aviv. He's been urged to reach a cease-fire and hostage release deal with Hamas. Today's rescue could help lift some of the pressure.

Indeed, Hugo, one wonders what all this could mean for cease-fire talks. This is the key question after this rescue. Just hours ago here in Tel Aviv, thousands of people joined a protest demanding a deal with Hamas for the remaining hostages to be freed.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under pressure to accept a proposal that was laid out by President Biden that includes not only the release of hostages, but also paves the way for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, which is a contentious point here in Israel.

This rescue operation has been seen as a success by the Israeli authorities. And this could also change the calculations of the Prime Minister. But many will say that what happened today is proof that it is urgent to reach a ceasefire. Two hospitals say at least 70 people were killed during this operation, and the head of the Palestinian Authority described it as a bloody massacre.



  1. hostage (n): a person who is captured by someone who demands that certain things be done before the captured person is freed
  2. reunite(v): to come together again
  3. military operation (n): activity done by a military or naval force
  4. raid (v): carry out a sudden short attack
  5. dispute (n): a disagreement, argument, or debate
  6. rescue(v): to save from danger
  7. capture (v): to take by force, arrest
  8. kidnap(v): to take someone away using force, usually to get money in exchange for releasing
  9. ordeal(n): a difficult or painful experience
  10. gunman(n): a criminal who uses a gun
  11. carry out (v): complete, accomplish the plan
  12. refugee(n): a person who has to leave his or her country to find safety.
  13. Airstrike(n): an attack made by aircraft.
  14. Innocent(adj): not guilty
  15. Desperation(n): hopelessness
  16. Chaos(n): great confusion, disorder
  17. cease-fire(n): an agreement to stop all fighting
  18. deal(n): solution, agreement
  19. permanent(adj): lasting or expected to last for a long time
  20. contentious (adj): quarrelsome, inclined to argue
  21. massacre (n): cruel killing of a large number of people
True/False statements
Please write the news and Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
  1. Before the rescue, Israeli forces have been planning 4 weeks.
  2. According to the Israeli authorities, the rescue operation has been seen as a success. 
  3. There are more than 360 innocent people were killed in the Nova Music Festival in southern Israel.
  4. Military operation carried out by Israeli special forces to free the hostages was done by the troops only. 
  5. The Palestinian Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the freed hostages in a hospital near Tel Aviv.
  6. Military operation carried out by Israeli special forces in Israel has free 4 hostages.
  7. 2 locations in Nazarat in central Gaza were raided by Israeli special forces at night.
  8. During the miliatary operation 201 Israeli and Palestinain soldiers lost their lives.
  9. Noah Argamani who was captured by Hamas on the 7th of October and taken to Gaza, is finally back in Israel.
  10. 120 hostages in captivity in Israel. 
Do and check your answers.